
提顿领导力中心 Announces the 2024秋季人类智能峰会: Bold 领导 for a Purpose-Driven Future

提顿领导力中心 Announces the 2024秋季人类智能峰会: Bold 领导 for a Purpose-Driven Future

怀俄明州乐天堂app,.– 乐天堂app Hole is the ideal place to inspire innovative thinking about community and capitalism for businesses, organizations and individuals in Wyoming and around the globe. 提顿领导中心(TLC), a collaboration between Silicon Couloir and 乐天堂app, is proud to announce the second annual leadership Fall Summit, 今年, Human Intelligence: Bold 领导 for a Purpose-Driven Future Thursday, 9月26日, 和周五, 9月27日, 2024,  在提顿村, 在步行街节日大厅. Early bird tickets with a $50 discount are on sale now; this intimate event is expected to sell out. 

“A leader is anyone with an audacious idea and the courage to work on it,苏·蒙卡斯特说, 提顿领导力中心 Executive Director. “Last year’s inaugural summit was well received, and we are well-positioned 今年 to deliver an even more dynamic summit with world-class speakers, transformational 研讨会 and facilitated leadership development to impact true change.”

在一个飞速发展的时代, 不断的变化, 以及技术优势, 我们工作的方式, 沟通和生活正在被重塑.  This unprecedented pace of change raises profound questions about human connection and how we show up as leaders and community members, 无论是现在还是将来. As Wyoming seeks to diversify its economy while engaging and retaining younger generations, the TLC Fall Summit will explore the importance of bold human leadership in a dynamic tech forward society. 发人深省的扬声器, 研讨会, 工具包, and networking opportunities the summit will enable leaders to bring to fruition ambitious, 以创新理念改善社区, 组织, 以及环境结果. The event is made possible with generous funding from the Wyoming Partnership Initiative (WIP) and 乐天堂app Hole Travel and Tourism Board.


霍华德比哈尔– Founding President of Starbucks International discussing Servant 领导 and Conscious Capitalism.

薇薇恩·明– Neuroscientist and entrepreneur discussing The Heart of AI: Unleashing Human Potential.

蕾拉Acaroglu– Sociologist and entrepreneurial educator hosting a workshop on Designing a World That Works for All.

肖恩·埃利斯 – Resilience strategist hosting a keynote and workshop using his 5 C’s framework for adaptation and thriving. 

“We are excited to help advance learning to expand how we teach and think about leadership and innovation more wisely and comprehensively,博士说。. Brad Tyndall, President, 乐天堂app.  “提顿领导力中心 provides a strong foundation for 乐天堂app as we deepen our commitment to Teton County and the region and build on the strengths of this community.” 

Silicon Couloir Executive Director Rob Kellogg noted, “Silicon Couloir is proud to partner with the 提顿领导力中心 again for the 2024 Fall Summit. Our mission is to empower and support 企业家hip in the region, and we believe educational and community-building opportunities such as The Summit are an important aspect of the ecosystem we are building for 企业家 in the Tetons and beyond. We are encouraging our extensive network of 企业家 and world-class mentors to attend and hope that people with entrepreneurial aspirations take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn and grow.”

To purchase tickets, event schedule, and more information on the 2024 Summit, please visit: http://tetonleadershipcenter.org. Generous regional and local scholarships are available.


TLC is dedicated to empowering 组织 leaders, 企业家, and community members with the knowledge, 技能, and mindset necessary to create a sustainable and prosperous future. Founded in 2023 in partnership with 乐天堂app and Silicon Couloir, the 提顿领导力中心 will host a Teton Talk at the Teton County 图书馆 in 乐天堂app on Impact Investing August 27, at and the annual 领导 Summit on 9月26日 & 27, 2024.
http://tetonleadershipcenter.org @tetonleadershipcenter | HELLO@TETONLEADERSHIPCENTER.ORG 

乐天堂app, a rural comprehensive four-year institution, is committed to a purpose-driven future that both addresses the challenges facing rural America, particularly in the uniqueness of Wyoming, and the critical role that these rural areas play in the health of this Nation through economic diversification and resilience.http://zfpt.eagle1027.com/ @《乐天堂app》_rustlers

关于Silicon Couloir
Silicon Couloir is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to align 企业家hip with community vision to promote a diverse economy and a healthy environment for current and future generations.  http://www.siliconcouloir.com/ @siliconcouloir | Hello@SiliconCouloir.com 

About Wyoming Innovations Partnership (WIP) 
WIP was created at the request of Governor Gordon in 2021 to modernize and focus Wyoming’s efforts to develop a resilient 劳动力 and economy. The partnership involves the University of Wyoming, 该州的社区学院, 怀俄明州商业委员会, and Department of Workforce Services with an emphasis on developing innovative solutions that support and enhance Wyoming’s economy, 劳动力, 收入的来源.


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